On the Road Again

Even after a dozen weeks of back-to-back racing during my Summer Road Trip through iRacing’s road racing series, there was no rest for a weary traveler. For the fall, a new road beckoned, but unlike the official series open to anyone with a license, this one was invite-only. And that invitation had to be earned. Read more about On the Road Again[…]

Summer Road Trip, Week 6: A Turnaround in 24

The numbers don’t lie.  Among iRacing’s GT cars, the GT3s are the kings of participation.  Last season, nearly 1400 drivers per week raced in the Blancpain Sprint Series, the officially sanctioned virtual version of the real-world GT3 championship. Even outside of that headliner series, the GT3 participation dwarfs that of many other series.  The GT3 Read more about Summer Road Trip, Week 6: A Turnaround in 24[…]

Summer Road Trip, Prelude: Warming Up

Last week, I announced my upcoming Summer Road Trip — a season-long journey through iRacing’s road series, working my way up the GT and open-wheel racing ladders one week at a time. Some might say it’s crazy to drive a different car each week.  So do I. Others might say jumping from one car to Read more about Summer Road Trip, Prelude: Warming Up[…]

Decisions, Decisions

Whether driving in the real world or in a simulator, racers are used to making snap decisions behind the wheel. In the car, it could be choosing when to make a pass or which strategy seems best. Out of the car, it could be changing courses in your driving career, even if it’s in the Read more about Decisions, Decisions[…]

A King at the Ring

Professional race car drivers leave little doubt about how challenging the Nurburgring Nordschleife truly is. Three-time German Grand Prix winner Jackie Stewart famously called it the “Green Hell”. “A real driver’s circuit,” according to 1961 grand prix winner Stirling Moss. Maro Engel, the winner of this year’s Nurburgring 24 Hours for Mercedes, described the event Read more about A King at the Ring[…]

Seven Weeks

It’s been said that the only differences between sim racing and real racing are the lack of G forces and the burden of crash damage on one’s wallet.  In the past, I might have added one other item to that list: the rigors of being on the road each week for a different event.  However, Read more about Seven Weeks[…]

On the Attack

I have always considered endurance racing one of my strong suits because it doesn’t always reward the fastest driver, but the one with the best patience, consistency, and — as the name implies — endurance. The beginning of iRacing’s new endurance season last month brought another reminder of those qualities needed to succeed, along with Read more about On the Attack[…]

How to Dump a Slump

Every driver goes through ups and downs during a racing season, but occasionally, the down times can feel inescapable.  After going through such a period in the past month, I had to figure out how to reverse my fortunes and dump the slump. It started in the Power Series race at Kentucky.  I struggled to come Read more about How to Dump a Slump[…]